Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements


Peek-a-Doodle believes that a comprehensive curriculum is made up of various ways. Our curriculum is created by keeping national and international standards in mind. All elements of our child care program, from our program, starting from the stage of toddlers to our day-care and our activity centre, are carefully constructed to offer your kid every educational benefit and holistic development

Our Curriculum depends on the standards of:

Play-based Methodology, Various Intelligence Approach that includes Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, Action based-Experiential learning

Experience -> Observation -> Analysis -> Action Cycle.

Our methodology help supports the child to sustain their regular capacities and further gives an animating climate that helps cognitive, language, sensorial, social, physical, and emotional development.

Our approach to early years education: When your child is young and in their early learning years, each and every moment of your child is special and adds to their personality. So, to address the needs of your young learner, we have developed (and refined) our own balanced research-based curriculum. This is how we provide education with fun and by this, your child will learn and enjoy it at the same time.

Phonic approach to learning Language skills with emphasis on pronunciation and diction. Reading corners triggers inquisitive minds and inculcates the love for books

Our Unique learning environment sparks physical growth and discovery

Yoga, singing, dancing, drama, role play, and story time are an integral part of our curriculum

Extensive hands-on work in art, craft, clay, painting, musical instruments and kinesthetic art forms

Celebration of birthdays, festivals and special days for cultural awareness

Our curriculum comprises activities that foster skills to work with others, play cooperatively, help others, have a sense of empathy, and be a part of a team